“Het beste materiaal en ervaren specialisten”
EnviroTerra heeft de beschikking over ervaren engineers en state of the art equipment om ieder bodemonderzoek en sanerings project tot een goed einde te brengen.
Wizard 1C
The Wizard drill-rig is built by Drillcon in the Netherlands. Due to the presence of a powerfull rotary table, this machine is suitable for drilling with casings op to 250 mm in unconsolidated formations. The common used method is Shell and Auger drilling or Hollow-stem auger drilling. In case bedrock is present, the rotary table can easy be changed for a rotary coring head to penetrate the bedrock by HQ-3 wireline coring method.
Technical Specification
- Rig Manufacturer: Drillcon the Netherlands
- Model: 1C
- Company holding: 2
- Drilling with flight augers or hollow stem augers
- Shell and auger drilling with casings by hydraulic rotary table
- Core drilling
- Rubber crawlers 1300 mm width
- Adjustable driving speed: 4 km/h
- HATZ silence pack
- Air cooled diesel 70kW – 12V
- Rotary head coring
- Torque : 350 daNm (kpm)
- Speed ; 350 rpm
KONSOLE: 200 mm manual closing
- max. casing dia. 250 mm
- Torque 680 daNm
- Speed 23 rpm
- Stroke of rotary head: 3,3 m
- Pull up and down 3.500 daN
WINCH: 1500 daN

200 kN Stand-Alone CPT Penetrometer Set
The stand-alone CPT penetrometer pusher set composes of a 200 kN penetrometer pusher featuring 2 hydraulic cylinders with manually operated valves and a stainless-steel housing for datalogger and computer, a diesel-hydraulic power-pack with a Hatz diesel engine incorporated in a sound insulating enclosure and hydraulic pump and an anchoring system with hydraulic wrench and ground anchors. Our CPT equipment is usefully used overwater from one of our jack-Up barges.
Technical Specifications of the CPT Penetrometer Pusher
- Dimensions (L x W x H): 1390 x 465 x 2290 mm
- Weight (without accessories): 580 kg
- Hydraulic cylinders: 2 double-acting
- Calibrated CPT testing speed: 20 mm / sec
- Unloaded speeds : 0 – 165 mm / sec downwards, 0 – 125 mm / sec upwards
- Hydraulic capacity (max.): 200 kN (20 tons) during CPT testing, 260 kN (26 tons) during pulling
- Stroke of the hydraulic cylinders: 1350 mm
NOTE: The maximum effective pushing capacity of the stand-alone CPT penetrometer pusher depends on the effectiveness of the anchoring.
Nordmeyer DSB 1.3.5
Our Nordmeyer drill-rig DSB 1.3.5 multi method machine, is equipped with a rotation table for easy casing installation in unconsolidated formations. All geological formations can be drilled with this machine. Within Geotron Caribbean this machine is mostly used to work overwater from one of our jack-up barges.
Technical Specifications of the CPT Penetrometer Pusher
- Dimensions (L x W x H): 1390 x 465 x 2290 mm
- Weight (without accessories): 580 kg
- Hydraulic cylinders: 2 double-acting
- Calibrated CPT testing speed: 20 mm / sec
- Unloaded speeds : 0 – 165 mm / sec downwards, 0 – 125 mm / sec upwards
- Hydraulic capacity (max.): 200 kN (20 tons) during CPT testing, 260 kN (26 tons) during pulling
- Stroke of the hydraulic cylinders: 1350 mm
NOTE: The maximum effective pushing capacity of the stand-alone CPT penetrometer pusher depends on the effectiveness of the anchoring.

Bekijk onze projecten
EnviroTerra heeft diverse mooie projecten over de hele wereld mogen uitvoeren.